Turn Conversations Into Sales

Make Conversational Commerce a Reality Today

Conversational AI, Conversational Marketing and Conversational Commerce may sound like buzzwords, but these concepts are a reality today. 1440 helps you give customers fast, accurate and personalized messages — regardless of channel — with the tools to make the sale happen on the spot.

Conversational Commerce and Marketing

With the ability to re-engage consumers even after the chat window has closed, we can delight customers before they even ask... with stock status updates, shipment notifications, or to follow-up after an order to make sure they're happy. All of this helps us actively build relationships while reducing inquiries into customer support.

Bob S.

Conversational Commerce Professional

Start Selling on Every Messaging Channel

Connect with consumers in a natural and personalized way on your owned channels + sites and apps they use every day.

  • From web chat and SMS to social and messaging channels, you can start selling on every channel from a single communications hub.
  • Go beyond problem resolution by tapping into the needs of browsers and turning them into buyers.
Sell on Messaging Channels

New Ways to Address Cart Abandonment

Worldwide retailers lose $4.6 trillion annually from abandoned shopping carts*.

  • With Conversational Commerce powered by 1440 and Messaging Studio, you can help customers in their exact moment of need, with in-message checkout to reduce extra steps to the buy button.
  • Asynchronous chat lets you message users after the chat window closes. So you can check in to address hesitations, send reminders and nudge them to complete their order.
Address Cart Abandonment
Address Cart Abandonment

New Ways to Address Cart Abandonment

Worldwide retailers lose $4.6 trillion annually from abandoned shopping carts*.

  • With Conversational Commerce powered by 1440 and Messaging Studio, you can help customers in their exact moment of need, with in-message checkout to reduce extra steps to the buy button.
  • Asynchronous chat lets you message users after the chat window closes. So you can check in to address hesitations, send reminders and nudge them to complete their order.

Conversational Commerce Ads

When the conversation starts top of the funnel, "Chat Now" becomes your highest performing CTA.

  • Why wait to have 1:1 personalized conversations with your prospects? Deliver personalized interactions at the first sign of awareness, and drive them to the sale faster than ever.
  • With conversational commerce ads, you can get the conversation started with a targeted audience on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and Google.
Conversational Ads

Grow First-Party Data

As the cookie is retired, messaging is a privacy-safe way to collect more first-party data.

  • Third-party cookies are set to be phased out before we know it. As marketers look for answers in a cookieless world, the focus has turned to building first-party data they own.
  • Before or after a messaging interaction, brands and chatbots can ask shoppers to provide information that can fuel more personalized offers and experiences.
Grow First Party Data with Messaging
Grow First Party Data with Messaging

Grow First-Party Data

As the cookie is retired, messaging is a privacy-safe way to collect more first-party data.

  • Third-party cookies are set to be phased out before we know it. As marketers look for answers in a cookieless world, the focus has turned to building first-party data they own.
  • Before or after a messaging interaction, brands and chatbots can ask shoppers to provide information that can fuel more personalized offers and experiences.

Chatbots Get Everyone There Faster

Design and scale automated experiences that address common needs quickly and efficiently, freeing agents for more advanced conversations.


New Entry Points to Conversations

It's time to think outside the box with where a conversation starts: from a QR code on your product packaging to social channels, ads, maps and more.

In-Chat Payments Convert Faster

Eliminate barriers by allowing shoppers to buy in the chat window with digital wallets like Apple Pay, Buy with Prime, Google Pay, Bitcoin and Stripe.

Rich Features Add to the Experience

Make your message conversational and easy with rich experiences like emojis, product carousels, images, translation, traceable links and more.

Automated Translation

Eliminate language barriers with automated translation that allows both digital and live agents to personalize based on language preference.

Asynchronous Messaging

Unlike live chat, asynchronous messaging allows for conversation longevity so agents and customers can keep the conversation rolling.

Conversational Commerce + Salesforce

Complete your omnichannel conversational commerce transformation with unified data across channels and teams — made possible with Messaging Studio by 1440.

9 in 10 consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that recognizes and remembers them, providing personalized recommendations and offers. And 70% of customers say agents' awareness of past sales is fundamental to keeping their business.

Managing conversational commerce alongside other customer engagement channels in Salesforce provides unified data across channels and teams.

  • Connect customer, order and conversation history
  • Omit the need to ask for the same information over and over
  • Agents can address questions faster and make personalized recommendations
  • Manage all channels centrally rather than flipping back and forth
  • Handle capacity issues when an influx of chats comes in
  • Improve case resolution while ramping up ROI and ROaS

Latest Conversational Commerce News

Most Used Messaging Channels Around the Globe

A Brand’s Guide to the Most Popular Global Messaging Channels

April 12, 2024

In the early days of messaging apps, consumers primarily used them to connect with family and friends. But today, consumers also rely on messaging apps…

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