Review Monitoring for Salesforce Users

Review Monitoring Salesforce

As a consumer, you probably depend on ratings and reviews to make informed purchase decisions. If so, you’re in good company. According to Bazaarvoice, 89% of consumers consult ratings and reviews before making a purchase. 89% of consumers consult ratings and reviews prior to making a purchase. Source: Bazaarvoice, What’s in a review?  As a…

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Reflections on Dreamforce 2023: Omni-Channel is No Longer Optional


It’s hard to believe that Dreamforce 2023 was already a month ago. But one thing is for sure: the impact of this year’s amazing event is sure to stick with us for a long time.  1440 at Dreamforce Here at 1440, we’re big fans of Dreamforce. We’ve attended Salesforce’s signature event for years now in…

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The Converting Power Behind Buy With Prime: What Your Brand Needs to Know

Let’s face it: the global marketplace has never been more crowded. Consumers have plentiful options – regardless of what they’re shopping for. So if you’re like most brands, you’re always looking for innovative ways to attract shoppers – and then convert them from browsers to buyers. Last year, Amazon launched Buy with Prime, which empowers…

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The Real ROI of Conversational Commerce

Winning and retaining customers is no easy feat. Modern consumers have countless options across all product and service categories. And many aren’t afraid to ditch a once-beloved brand when something better comes along. In fact, in the last year alone, nearly three-quarters (71%) of consumers say they’ve switched brands at least once. There are a…

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Salesforce Guide to Instagram

Instagram for Salesforce

The Role of Instagram in the Purchase Journey – and How Brands Can Start Managing This Key Channel More Effectively  These days, there are countless factors that influence a consumer’s behavior throughout the purchase journey. Social media is high on the list – especially as e-commerce continues to grow. Today, there are many different social…

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