Any Channel, Any Device, Salesforce-Approved Connectivity and Security.

With Messaging Studio by 1440, Salesforce Digital Engagement is now mobile. Expand Salesforce's native channel capabilities by integrating exclusive 1440 channel support, accessible seamlessly through the Salesforce Console or Mobile App — on any device.

Salesforce Omni-Channel Digital Engagement for Mobile Devices

Any Channel, Any Device, Salesforce-Approved Connectivity and Security.

With Messaging Studio by 1440, Salesforce Digital Engagement is now mobile. Expand Salesforce's native channel capabilities by integrating exclusive 1440 channel support, accessible seamlessly through the Salesforce Console or Mobile App — on any device.

Salesforce Omni-Channel Digital Engagement for Mobile Devices

Take the Next Step in Mobile Messaging for Salesforce

Brace yourself for a new era of mobile communication by seamlessly integrating your omni-channel engagements (including SMS and WhatsApp) with the Salesforce Console and the Salesforce Mobile app.

Reimagine Omni-Channel Messaging

Experience a new era of mobile communication by seamlessly integrating your omni-channel engagements with the Salesforce Console and the Salesforce Mobile App to empower engagement from anywhere, with expanded channel support for popular messaging apps like Google's Business Messages, Instagram and TikTok.

Expanded Channel Support

Enable Salesforce SMS and WhatsApp on Mobile

Facilitate employee-customer communication from personal or company-owned devices like Zebra, with Salesforce approved security.

SMS WhatsApp Mobile Salesforce

With Productivity-Enhancing Features

78% of customers buy from the company that responds to their inquiry first. Leverage Chatbots, Generative AI and other productivity enhancements to respond faster and boost ROI.

Full conversation history and deep linking

Time-saving AI-generated reply recommendations

Knowledge search and quick text

Share images, videos, product details and files

Easily transfer using Omni-Channel Routing

Management oversight using Omni-Supervisor

Works with Salesforce Field Service

Enable mobile work order communication to allow field reps to securely message customers from personal or company-owned devices with the Salesforce Console and the Salesforce Field service Mobile App.

Salesforce Field Service Mobile Messaging

Work Order Communication at Your Fingertips

Enhanced customer communication: real-time updates and issue resolution

Efficient dispatch: Instant coordination and task assignment

Appointment flexibility: Easily schedule and reschedule appointments

Pre-appointment data: Gather customer information for prepared visits. 

Reduce truck rolls: Optimized schedules and remote issue resolution.

Personalized messaging: Tailor messages based on preferences and work order details.