Highlights From Dreamforce 2022

During the height of the pandemic, a lot of our favorite things were put on hold. Vacations. Gatherings with family and friends. And our favorite in-person industry events like Dreamforce.  Sure, Dreamforce, one of the largest (and arguably the best) tech conferences in the world never really went away. In the past couple of years,…

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Better Experiences, Stronger Relationships: Is Digital 360 Worth the Hype?

Digital 360 Worth Hype

The short answer is “absolutely.” Digital 360 has recently become the new industry standard for communicating with customers on the level they have come to expect. It allows businesses to connect with their audiences at any time of the day, on their preferred platforms. When companies have the capabilities of understanding each individual consumer, they…

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Retail Trends: How Chat Apps Are Changing CRM

Chat Apps Changing CRM

Chat apps have the potential to become a leading CRM communication channel, especially for simple inquiries. Why? People love chat apps. Many people—possibly even you—visit chat apps multiple times a day to connect with friends, family, and increasingly brands. Customer-centric service requires that you join your customers in all their favorite chat apps, and that…

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