Chat & Messaging

The Real ROI of Conversational Commerce

Winning and retaining customers is no easy feat. Modern consumers have countless options across all product and service categories. And many aren’t afraid to ditch a once-beloved brand when something better comes along. In fact, in the last year alone, nearly three-quarters (71%) of consumers say they’ve switched brands at least once. There are a…

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Conversational Commerce for Sales

How Conversational Commerce Empowers Brands to Drive Customer Acquisition and Retention

We’re just going to come out and say it: it’s not an easy time to be a consumer-facing brand. For one, there’s a ton of competition in just about any product or service category. Of course, there are the legacy brands you must contend with. But then there are also the digital-native brands that seem…

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Conversational Commerce Industries

How Conversational Commerce is Transforming Industries

In today’s world, consumers are always “on.” And there’s plenty of data to back that claim. A report from Asurion found that on average, US consumers check their phones an average of 352 times a day. When a notification comes in, 75% look at it within five minutes.  So it’s probably not surprising that consumers…

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multilingual customer engagement

How (and Why) to Adopt Multilingual Customer Engagement

You might have a loyal customer base that loves your products. But today’s consumers value experiences as much as they do products. In fact, Salesforce research found that 80% of consumers say that the experiences a brand offers are just as important as its products. And a single bad experience can be enough to scare…

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Guide to Multilingual Bots

A Business Guide to Multilingual Bots

In the past two years, the number of consumer dollars spent online has grown – a lot. And it seems that growth won’t slow down anytime soon. Insider Intelligence predicts eCommerce will grow 16.1% this year – reaching $1.06 trillion. Clearly, consumers are embracing the convenience and safety of online shopping. And when those consumers…

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Instagram for Salesforce

Salesforce Guide to Instagram

The Role of Instagram in the Purchase Journey – and How Brands Can Start Managing This Key Channel More Effectively  These days, there are countless factors that influence a consumer’s behavior throughout the purchase journey. Social media is high on the list – especially as e-commerce continues to grow. Today, there are many different social…

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Using Messaging to Re-engage Abandoned Carts

Ideally, every shopper who landed on your ecommerce site would find something that perfectly fit their needs, add it to their cart, and complete the transaction. But that’s just not realistic.  If cart abandonment is a challenge for your brand, you’re not alone. It’s an extremely common problem across all brands and industries.  But that…

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Salesforce Omni-Channel Engagement on a Mobile Device

10 Ways for Companies to Use Salesforce Omni-Channel Engagement on a Mobile Device

In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to engage with customers on their terms is paramount for businesses looking to thrive. In fact, 78% of customers will buy from the company that responds to their inquiry first. Now that’s a competitive advantage. Salesforce has introduced powerful tools for Digital Engagement, making it easier than ever for…

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Digital Engagement for Store Associate

Salesforce Digital Engagement and 1440 Empower In-Store Associates with Mobile Experiences (7 Examples)

If you’re a brand with brick-and-mortar locations, your in-store associates are one of your most valuable assets. These folks are experts on the ins and outs of your products and services. And they’re on the front line day in and day out – providing trusted advice, recommendations, and service to your customers. It’s critical to…

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