
Instagram for Salesforce

Salesforce Guide to Instagram

The Role of Instagram in the Purchase Journey – and How Brands Can Start Managing This Key Channel More Effectively  These days, there are countless factors that influence a consumer’s behavior throughout the purchase journey. Social media is high on the list – especially as e-commerce continues to grow. Today, there are many different social…

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Salesforce Translation by Translation Studio available on AppExchange

The Complete Guide to Salesforce Language Translation

There are roughly 7,000 languages spoken across the globe. So if you’re a global business, you’re bound to be faced with language barriers – both internally and when engaging with customers.  Even if you’re NOT a global business, you’re sure to encounter plenty of customers who speak a language that’s different from yours. According to…

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review response templates

7 Ways to Use Templates for Review Responses

Collecting and displaying reviews is proven to drive some pretty impressive results for your business. According to an analysis from our friends at Bazaarvoice, there’s a 128% lift in conversion when shoppers interact with ratings and reviews on “best-in-class” sites — as well as a 159% lift in revenue per visitor. But responding to reviews…

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Manage Product Questions

The Brand’s Guide to Managing Product Questions and Answers

By now, we’ve all seen plenty of headlines about the growth of eCommerce traffic and sales in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. But it’s worth reiterating. According to Salesforce’s State of Commerce Report, eCommerce revenue increased 75% year over year in the second quarter of 2020 and 55% in the third quarter. And per…

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App Store Review Management

The Brand’s Guide to App Store Review Management

Proactively managing reviews is an important way to protect your online reputation — and strengthen it. And if you’re like many enterprise brands, you’ve got a lot of different types of reviews on your hands. As an example, let’s consider a brand like Adidas. Consumers can write reviews for Adidas products on — as…

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product reviews help with SEO

From Google to Amazon: Do Reviews Help SEO?

Sometimes, when a shopper is in the market for something you sell, they bring up your eCommerce site on their web browser of choice and go from there. But oftentimes, that’s not the case. Instead, many shoppers choose to start the digital purchase journey elsewhere — often on Amazon or Google. A survey from CivicScience, cited…

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