
Using Messaging to Re-engage Abandoned Carts

Ideally, every shopper who landed on your ecommerce site would find something that perfectly fit their needs, add it to their cart, and complete the transaction. But that’s just not realistic.  If cart abandonment is a challenge for your brand, you’re not alone. It’s an extremely common problem across all brands and industries.  But that…

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Digital Engagement for Store Associate

Salesforce Digital Engagement and 1440 Empower In-Store Associates with Mobile Experiences (7 Examples)

If you’re a brand with brick-and-mortar locations, your in-store associates are one of your most valuable assets. These folks are experts on the ins and outs of your products and services. And they’re on the front line day in and day out – providing trusted advice, recommendations, and service to your customers. It’s critical to…

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Banks Were Fined Millions for Not Keeping Records of Messaging Apps. The Solution is Easy.

Remember when the only ways to get in touch with a brand were to call their toll-free number or visit a store? Those days are long gone. Today, more and more consumers turn to apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram Messenger, and others to ask questions and get information. In fact, Meta research tells us…

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Instagram for Salesforce

Salesforce Guide to Instagram

The Role of Instagram in the Purchase Journey – and How Brands Can Start Managing This Key Channel More Effectively  These days, there are countless factors that influence a consumer’s behavior throughout the purchase journey. Social media is high on the list – especially as e-commerce continues to grow. Today, there are many different social…

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Conversational Commerce Industries

How Conversational Commerce is Transforming Industries

In today’s world, consumers are always “on.” And there’s plenty of data to back that claim. A report from Asurion found that on average, US consumers check their phones an average of 352 times a day. When a notification comes in, 75% look at it within five minutes.  So it’s probably not surprising that consumers…

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Conversational Commerce Throughout Customer Journey

Conversational Commerce: Connecting Brands to Consumers Throughout the Purchase Journey

How conversational commerce can empower your brand to break through the noise and connect with mobile-first consumers throughout the purchase journey  In the recent past, a couple of brands have dominated any given product or service category. Consumers shopping for soda chose Pepsi or Coke. Those shopping for makeup would pick CoverGirl or L’Oréal.  That’s…

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Conversational Commerce 2023

The State of Conversational Commerce in 2023

Introduction  In the long history of business, conversations have always been an effective way to grow sales. Consider a consumer shopping for a new vehicle. After doing her research, she steps into the car dealership. The salesperson builds rapport with her, and she ends up purchasing the car – complete with some extras that align…

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Conversational Commerce for Salesforce

Unlocking the Power of Conversational Commerce for Salesforce: Tips, Strategies, and Tools

Oftentimes, the word “eCommerce” conjures up images of a shopper browsing a website, adding an item (or items) to their cart, and then completing the checkout process. But the reality is, there are plenty of new, innovative ways of purchasing products online – including social commerce, conversational commerce, and augmented reality – just to name…

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Conversational Commerce Ads

The Future of Conversational Commerce Ads

What’s Next for Conversational Commerce Ads – and Why it’s Worth Your Attention For centuries, businesses have leveraged the power of conversations to build trust and grow sales. For example, the most successful door-to-door salespeople became proficient at making quick connections with prospects – and then closing the deal. And the best in-store sales associates…

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